Muddy Truck Can Personalize Any Tee for Your Business, Event, Birthday, or Gift.

There's no minimum order. Just fill out the form below, and we'll get back to you about your custom request. Include what you want your Tee to say, try to limit it to 20 words or less and we will mockup a great shirt! We’ll send you the design to approve or edit. Once approved we will print your shirt ASAP.

*Custom Tees available in black only.

*Will accomodate color choices on orders of 50+.

Custom Tee Request Form

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More Custom T Info

You’ll see a couple ideas on this page. Your idea doesn’t have to include artwork but if it does, send a reference so we can nail it. Keep it simple though…. If it’s too complicated we will let you know straight up but we try to not disappoint.

Custom T’s are $26.50 for sizes small - XL, 2X is $31.50, 3X is $35.50. Quantity discounts offered for orders over 10 pieces with one design.

Let’s make a shirt together.

-Muddy Truck Team